Townsend has four degrees from Indiana and Purdue universities, and her research and teaching interests are evolutionary computing, robotics, computing ethics and gender issues of computing. Her concern for underrepresented people in computing led her to founding and sponsoring several DePauw student organizations, such as the Women in Computer Science Club and Students of Color in Computing.
She and associate professor Khadija Stewart invite first-year women to a content-preview session, where they are helped by female upperclass students and learn what to expect if they take Computer Science I. They also help students apply for scholarships to attend the annual conferences for women in computing, and difference between computer science and computer engineering students have been particularly successful at securing funding.
The association is a U.S.-based international society that has nearly 100,000 members. Its president, Gabriele Kotsis, said in a news release that the distinguished member designation “celebrates specific contributions of these members and their career growth as reflected in a long-term commitment to the field, as well as their collaboration with peers in supporting a global professional association for the benefit of all.”
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